Positively stimulating interpersonal relationships inside an Organization can often lead to an increase in productivity, a warm working atmosphere that can expand with a happier workforce.
1. Keep everyone Informed
A simple notice board, company newsletter or for large Organizations a Magazine keeps everyone informed on upcoming events, changes within an organization and helps everyone feel part of a team.
2. Canteens
Larger Organizations usually have a canteen whilst small scale organizations should have a refreshment area, with a microwave and a place were employees can relax, and mix together.
3. Resource Centers
Access to resources are as important as the job itself, resource centers could be a simple computer that could be accessed by all employees or in much larger organizations a library or center.
4. Social or Activity Clubs
Encouraging Social or Activity Clubs inside an Organization can often encourage employees to socialize with each other in a positive environment. In an economic recession, this could help employees substitute vacations with more localized activities.
5. Celebrations
Birthdays, Festivals like Christmas, Idul Fitri or other religious holidays could be celebrated after work. This often shows a company does care, and helps motivate Employees.
6. Counseling Services
These are particularly important in times of economic change, when a company may have to cut working hours or even lay-off staff. Counseling could help employees affected by this change to accept in a positive way, an unwelcome change.
7. Quality Circles
Allowing members of your Organization to discuss in the open issues around work in an informal setting, often brings positive results, and can sometimes solve issues before they become too serious.
Encouraging Interpersonal relations inside an Organization creates a more positive, and open environment many employees should feel comfortable in. During economically hard times, this could be the difference between a smooth transition, and a rough volatile transition.