The continuous existence and growth of any concern depends on the skills of its PR department. Public Relation is an art which is vital for the survival of any profit making business be it an individual or an organization, and it is for this reason a good PR person is so much sought after and so much in demand. The job of the PR department is to let everybody who matters for the growth and prosperity of the organization know about the available products and services in the best possible manner and to provide the maximum exposure to increase the clientele and as a result the profitability.
Public Relation is an acquired rather than an inborn skill. A good PR person is one who has learnt it all the hard way through proper training and plenty of in service experience. It is for this reason, students who want to make their living in the Public Relation sector and experienced professionals who want to hone their skills undergo various Advertising and Public Relation Courses so that they can give a better performance in the long run. Good PR is important because it
· Emphatically announce the presence of specific products and services.
· Gives the maximum possible exposure and helps in the establishment of brand names.
· It cuts out the burgeoning competition and boost business revenue.
· Increases the credibility of the business house and establish customer loyalties.
The main function of the PR person is to create an interest among the target populace regarding the existence of a particular name. This can be done through various events or campaigns which are both fun and informational. The idea is to create a buzzword without being too obvious about the marketing part of the business which may otherwise make the customers cry off and shun the campaigns as nothing but just another publicity gimmick for getting the products sold. Advertising and Public Relation Courses make an individual a master in this extremely important marketing art, they learn the subtle methodologies and techniques that comprise a good Public Relation management. A professionally qualified and rightly trained PR personnel is a great asset for any business house, they can contribute greatly not only to the progress and growth prospect of their respective organizations but also take themselves to the next level on the road to individual success. The Advertising and Public Relation Courses greatly help in that arena.
Many famous and lesser known institutes offer a variety of PR Courses in India, some of the most famous and established names in Public Relation training are SIMC or the Symbiosis Institute of Mass Communication located at Pune, Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism situated at Bhopal, IIMC or the Indian Institute of Mass Communication located in New Delhi,The Delhi School of Communication (DSC) in New Delhi, School of Broadcasting and Communication present at Mumbai and finally the Xavier Institute of Communication or the XIC also in Mumbai. The PR Courses in India are at par with the best in the world and utilize the latest theories and most effective techniques that prepare the students for the global market.